HEALTH TIP: Natural Ways to Prevent Dementia


  • Maintain your sugar levels: Our brain depends mainly on glucose (sugar) and needs 62 grams of glucose daily.
  • Know how your nutrients interact: Nutrients in your body should interact with each other.
  • Eat plant-based meals: Plant-based foods are the ideal. 98 percent of those who live long, healthy and dementia-free lives are vegans.
  • Choose organic food well: Opt for wild fish over the farmed variety, since the former tends to have less pollutants and pesticides.
  • Eat breakfast: Breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day, because the brain needs an energy source in the morning. This means fresh fruit, whole grains, and lean protein.
  • Drink red wine: Because it is rich in the antioxidant resveratrol, red wine protects our brains and helps us live longer. Organic pomegranate juice, grape juice, and prune juice are good substitutes.
  • Fasting overnight: Research shows that cutting down on calories enhances cognitive capacity and help you lives longer. Brain cells grow stronger when hungry, so skip that midnight snack and try overnight fasting. This means taking a 12-to-16-hour break from food between dinner and breakfast.
  • Take a cue from ‘blue zones’: These are regions around the world with the highest number of centenarians. Indians, who consume brain-protective food like spice turmeric, are not as prone to Alzheimer’s than Americans are. The latter are eight times more prone to the disease than their Indian counterparts. People living in Mediterranean countries also live longer because of a diet rich in wild greens like dandelions, legumes, beans and potato, fish and olive oil and an occasional cheese and red wine.
  • Stick to traditional cookware: Stainless steel, glass and ceramic, not aluminium, plastics, and synthetic cookware with Teflon surfaces since they may have a compound (polytetrafluoroethylene) that can endanger brain health.
  • Get sleep: Studies show that adults who slept less than five hours a night showed higher levels of Alzheimer’s plaques in the brain than those who slept more than seven hours.
  • Keep a glass of water by your bed: Drinking eight to ten cups of water a day can boost brain performance by 30 percent. A glass of water when you wake up makes you feel more awake and able to think better.

Courtesy of Natural News.

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